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COVID-19 Pushes Higher Demand For Cloud Computing In India

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A new IDC report has revealed that 64 per cent of Indian organizations are expected to increase demand for cloud computing. The report also disclosed that there was a surge in demand for 56 percent in the context of cloud software to support the new normal.

According to IDC’s ‘COVID-19 Impact on IT spending Survey May 2020′, the cloud market in India is going to witness a noticeable impact in the pessimistic and probable scenario in terms of heightened adoption with public cloud leading the forefront of all infra-related investments.

“We expect an accelerated adoption of cloud, as organizations explore testing of many new initiatives natively on cloud. As industries move away from infrastructure of ownership, pay-per-use models are likely to see an accelerated demand. Public cloud services will be among the few technologies that are positively impacted by the COVID-19,” said Rishu Sharma, Principal Analyst, Cloud and Artificial Intelligence, IDC India.

It was noted by IDC that collaboration suites, end-point encryption, VPNs, and cloud tools will witness an uptake. Industries such as education, media, and IT/ITeS are likely to see an increased uptick in usage of cloud-based, digital tools due to virtual classrooms, online entertainment, and increased need for collaboration as a result of increased remote working.

Sharath Srinivasamurthy, Research Director, Enterprise Solutions & ICT Practices, IDC India, said, “Cloud-based solutions continued to run and enable seamless business operations during the crisis and this has increased the confidence of enterprises in embracing the cloud.” Cloud-based Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and collaboration tools assisted organizations to stay in touch with their employees, clients, and partners.

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